Wednesday 4 July 2012

I'm cute sixteen now!

Hai pals! Miss you bigbig k. Rindu aku dak? Winkwink. Hee. K, perasan. HAHAHA! Okey, faham tak title atas ni? For those who's understand, good! Yang tak faham lagi, meh nak bagitau. Hari Senin lepas birthday aku. Ehem~ Pulun kan? Heee. Now, I'm proudly to say that I'm sixteen already on the 2nd of July! :D Baru lagi k. Belated birthday gift pun sempat lagi ni. Weeee. Btw, thanks for the gift!

I'm sixteen now. Praise be to Allah for giving me this awesome, sadness and wonderful life. Well, I'm a human being :-)

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